Saturday started a little like a street fight when my husband and I decided to hash out our next week’s plans. Would I see clients face to face, would he and the kids go to Destin as planned with his parents? What would I do about seeing my clients and supporting people during a stressful time? What should we do as a family? What would we do to be responsible adults faced with a problem we did not fully understand? At first, we argued and disagreed. Then, we stepped back and looked at the data. We listened to our Congressman’s virtual Townhall with public health experts.
We decided that we would practice social distancing as the health experts have consistently recommended. I would provide care to clients via teleconferencing and meet my ethical and professional responsibilities by adapting a solution focused, strengths based approach. We would practice social distancing and be respectful of others and not hoard. We would accept that on an individual and family level WE are part of the solution. WE, caring about US.
WE caring about US means different things to different people. The essence of the message is the same: Do what WE can do in our individual worlds to affect the rest of US. For me that means working with clients through video and teleconferencing, volunteering one day a week to provide telephonic mental health support to people in need, free of charge. It means shifting my mindset from consumerism to consideration.
If you or someone you know could benefit from a 30 minute conversation to help though a difficult time, please contact me via We can’t help everyone, but we can do our part. WE are part of the solution. WE, caring about US.
#WE, Caring about US
#Elevate the conversation
Alexandra Phillips-Burke