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Leadership In Crisis

It is day 20 of our self-quarantine. I have been grateful to work during this time. I am passionate about what I do so it rarely feels like work. I enjoy talking with clients to help them shift their perspectives and to develop solutions to complex problems whether personal, professional or systemic. One of the things that I have been talking about with my corporate clients is the need to be leaders in crisis. Being a leader means being able to address the right now, while having the vision to see the obstacles and opportunities on the horizon. One of the challenges in leadership is to address our current messy reality while simultaneously continuing to inspire people to innovate, hope, shift and adapt.

How do we shift our mindset from seeing things as obstacles to opportunities? As leaders we must start by examining ourselves. How committed to change are we? Are we willing to use and distribute our time differently? Are we willing to reprioritize? Are we willing to fail? Are we willing to think, act and feel differently? Are we willing to lead with honesty, compassion, and courage? Our ability to commit to asking ourselves those questions and taking appropriate action is necessary in leadership.

As leaders, our roles are more important now than ever. We are role models. Regardless of our industry, it is our responsibility to; show compassion, tell the truth (even if it is difficult), rely on data, respect the creativity that is required for innovation, and demonstrate gratitude. Regardless of what your title is, you are called to leadership. We can rise to the challenge, we can meet the need and we can empower ourselves and others.

Alexandra Phillips 2020 - All Rights Reserved


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