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"Go To" Friend

Guest Author Hannah Webb

I wonder if everyone has a wise, “go to” friend. The rock. The people that can help you find perspective and strength, amidst the chaos. If we have them, we cherish the person that creates calm, understanding and direction.

I spoke with my “go to” friend recently about the pandemic and how our households are managing all of the aspects of its impact. Isolation, containment and newly altered schedules to go about our days. Our friendship has always been layered with humor and sarcasm, which I discovered can be a superpower in a time of uncertainty. What came from our discussion, aside from initial laughter to cope, was not only how we were adapting as individuals; but as mothers. It is within our nature to worry about our loved ones and analyze every potential hazard that may or may not infiltrate our protected family world. We worry how we may care for our children if they need medical attention during the pandemic and what threats it would present. The thought cycle can be endless and exhausting.

My friend’s message was inspiring. What I gained from this conversation is the need to find empowerment among all of the chaos and anxiety. I could, If I choose to, take the energy of fear and uncertainty and redirect it. Innovate, redefine and create new within ourselves as individuals, mothers and as a community. Exhibit positivity, compassion and appreciation for those protecting our lives in our communities. Find ways to support and promote new ways of operation within our society by using technology and ingenuity to overcome this current challenge.

My friend’s mom had a famous line, “use your inside voice,” she would say when volume may or may not have exceeded desired levels. It has become an inside joke in our friendship for years. I am proud of my wise, “go-to” friend and her passion. This is an instance where her mother would agree that we need to use our outside voices! Come together and shout (or sing) from the roof tops, “We’ve got this!” Put forth your best strengths. Stay supportive and strong as women and as a community. Empowerment is half the battle.”


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